Keepsafe have something to celebrate! We are honoured to receive a Self-Storage and Traders Association (CSTA) award for best self-storage website design.
Each year, CSTA recognises and highlights various achievements and significant assets within the self-storage industry through the CSTA Awards. The recognition of these awards is fairly significant in the industry, and as such the various categories attract a large number of highly competitive entries. Designed to celebrate and promote good practice in the self- storage industry, the self-storage awards organisers received a lot of attention for the ten award categories.
We are very excited to announce that this year, Keepsafe Storage Centres have been honoured with a self-storage award for Best Website. Keepsafe have achieved this recognition by maintaining a top line presence on google and remaining at the top of the Google search engine results page, whilst providing a seamless, user friendly experience.
Our goal is to provide a clear menu structure that gives customers the ability to navigate between pages quickly and efficiently. We ensure that the website is updated regularly with high quality, valuable and relevant content. For example, the videos showing an aerial view of each Keepsafe Storage Centre site allows potential customers to get a feel for the size of each location. In addition, the Keepsafe website allows customers to get an instant online quote explaining the features and benefits of using our site. Customers can also amend their account details, verify their ID, and reserve storage units and a free move-in van.
However, none of this would have been possible without the help of Inspire Digital, who helped us throughout our digital journey. Martin Smith, one of the team at Inspire who helped us design our website, shared his thoughts about working with Keepsafe to create our self-storage award winning website. He explains, “Crafting Keepsafe's website was not just about aesthetic appeal but creating a seamless, user-friendly experience that mirrors their steadfast commitment to providing secure, accessible storage solutions.”
Martin continues, “Choosing to integrate the 'Space Manager' software means customers can access up-to-the-minute pricing 24/7, which ensures a transparent and straightforward user journey.” “We aimed to encapsulate their brand ethos, ensuring every click and scroll on their website was a step towards a hassle-free, reliable safeguard for customers' belongings.” With that, we would like to offer Inspire Digital and a huge thank you for helping us navigate through our digital transformation.
In some categories, competition was fierce and there were very clear leaders. As a result, the judges also highly commended Keepsafe Dunfermline’s Site Manager Ian Dougal, for two self-storage awards. The first being an Outstanding Staff Member for customer service, leadership, problem solving. The second award Ian was highly commended for was a Charitable Initiatives award for community impact, charitable contribution and innovation. Keepsafe was also highly commended by the judges for the Social Media award for high levels of engagement, high quality content and innovation.
This certainly was a rewarding awards ceremony for Keepsafe which has provided invaluable insight and inspiration from the other well deserved award winners.
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